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Game Minecraft Bed Wars Playstation 4

Game Minecraft Bed Wars Playstation 4 Rating: 9,2/10 576 reviews

Can you add bed wars to minecraft ps4. Please May you add bed wars to minecraft mini games on ps4 because i love watching the likes of prestonplayz ssunde and all.

  1. Game Minecraft Bed Wars Playstation 4 Download
Game minecraft bed wars playstation 4 download

Imagine it, and you can build it! The critically acclaimed Minecraft comes to PlayStation®4 system. Create your very own game world and explore, build and conquer. When night falls the monsters appear, so ensure you’ve made yourself a shelter before they arrive. Make it through the night and the world is only limited by your imagination you choose what you want to make or what to do. Play on your own, cooperatively with friends in 2 player and 4 player split screen modes, or online with up to 8 players. Split screen option requires HD TV with HD connection.

MINECRAFT: XBOX 360 EDITIONA FAQ/Guide by Homsarrunner3INTRODUCTION:Hello, and welcome to my FAQ/Guide for Minecraft: Xbox 360Edition. The goal of this guide is to provide information onhow to survive and thrive in the wonderful randomly-generatedworld of Minecraft! In this guide, you will find a generalguide to surviving your first night, getting a good minestarted, and gathering the resources you need to, well, dowhatever you want. One thing to keep in mind though, is thatthe game you play will not be the same as the one I play.Whenever you start a new game in Minecraft, you receive yourown randomly-generated world, with completely uniquetopographical features. Randomness is not a guide-writer'sfriend, so I must let you know that this guide will not andcannot hold your hand through every problem you have, simplybecause I cannot anticipate what is going to happen in yourworld.Now, without further ado: The guide.VERSION HISTORY:v1.0: 7/4/12 First version of the guide completed and uploadedto gamefaqs.comv1.1: 7/15/12 Of course, right after I post the first version,they update the game. Anyway, added in information about theupdate, skins, and an infinite cobblestone cheat.

Addedcredits section and slightly altered Legal section.v1.2: 7/29/12 Tiny little update. I was feeling ambitious,so I added a section on the skins. Also fixed a couple of typingerrors.TABLE OF CONTENTS:For the sake of saving you time, this guide uses a text-basedsearch system. Here's how it works:1. Find the section you want to go to in this table.2. Copy the code next to it (including the brackets)3. Press CTRL-F on your keyboard to open the search submenu4.

Paste the code into the searchbar.5. Press the ENTER key twice, and with the power of RedstoneDust, you're at the section you want!Disclaimer: This is the first FAQ I've used this system on,so it might not work. If this is the case, use that handy-dandyscroll wheel of yours.Frequently Asked Questions- MINEFAQControls- MINECTRLBasics- MINEBASSurviving the first night- MINE1STThe hunt for Obsidian- MINEOBSThe Nether- MINEHELLExtra Stuff- MINEEXTSkins-MINESKINCrafting and Furnace-ing- MINECRFTCheating- MINENOOBAchievement guide- MINEACHIContact- MINEMAILLegal- MINELEGCredits-MINECREDFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS MINEFAQQ: What is Minecraft?A: Ah, our first cliche 'Nobody would actually ask this.' .cough. Minecraft is an indie sandboxsurvival/construction game designed by Mojang, originallyreleased on the PC in late November 2011 as a Java game.

Asthe name implies, the basis of the game is to Mine (break downblocks around you) and Craft (turn them into tools to helpyou mine a wider variety of blocks, as well as structures tolive in). The Xbox 360 Edition was released on May 9th, 2012for download as an Xbox LIVE Arcade game.Q: How much does it cost?A: The Xbox 360 Edition costs 1600 Microsoft Points, whichtranslates to $19.99 U.S. And 19.20 U.K.

(My computer doesn'thave U.K. Currency symbols, sorry)Q: What's different in the 360 Edition?A: Besides the new control scheme, the Xbox 360 Edition islargely the same as the PC version of Minecraft, with a fewchanges. The most major change is the overhaul to the craftingsystem.

In the PC version, players need to discover craftingformulas on their own by placing materials in a crafting grid,with no instruction for how to make a certain object. In theXbox Edition, all of the crafting formulas are already givento you. All you have to do is find the proper materials,highlight the object you want to make, and press a button.In addition, there is a Tutorial in this version of the gamefor teaching new players the basics. There is split-screenCo-op multiplayer for up to 4 players (but only if you havean HDTV), and online Co-op (including voice chat) for up to8.

As always, an Xbox LIVE Gold membership is required to playonline. Finally, the Xbox 360 version's graphics and generalgameplay mechanics are on par with those of the originalrelease of Minecraft, and does not include the many updatesthe PC version enjoys.Q: Wait, so this isn't the full version of the game? Lame.A: Hey, I never said that! The developers are planning toupdate the game often, so that it will eventually be caughtup to the PC version.Q: Oh, alright then.

Any word on DLC?A: Yes, actually. The 1st Skin Pack DLC was released in July2012. It costs 180 Microsoft Points (2 U.S. Dollars) andcontains skins of characters from licensed games, as well asgeneric characters.

A free version of the skin pack was alsoreleased, containing only the generic skins. In addition, inthe Summer of Arcade sale in 2012, a pack of free skins wasreleased, featuring characters in the games of the SOA sale.Q: I heard that this version is harder than the PC version.Is that true?A: I'm not sure, really. Many people I've spoken to have saidthat the spawn rate for monsters in this version is higherthan the PC version, but that could just be bad luck.Q: What if I don't want to deal with monsters, and just wantto mine and craft at my leisure?A: Every time you go to load a world (save file), you havethe option to adjust the difficulty slider (unlike in the PCversion, where you can do this from the pause menu). The sliderhas 4 settings: Peaceful, Easy, Normal, and Hard. On Easy,Normal, and Hard, monsters spawn at night and in darkenedareas, and do more damage according to how high the difficultyis. On Peaceful difficulty, monsters will never spawn(besides animals, and those won't attack you) and health thatyou lose from fall damage, drowning, catching on fire, restored over time. HOWEVER, you can still die on Peacefulif you're really stupid about falling into lava or things likethat.

Also, never having monsters spawn prevents you fromgathering materials that are necessary for several craftingcreations, most importantly bones, gunpowder, and strings.Q: When I create a new world, the game asks me for a 'seed'.What do I do?A: A 'seed' is a custom phrase that the game uses to createa word. Though there are some seeds out there custom-made bythe developers to create awesome worlds, feel free to typein your own phrase (like, say, your name), and see how thegame interprets it! Or, if you prefer, you can leave the seedbox blank, and the game will generate a random seed for you.CONTROLS MINECTRLLeft Stick: Tilt to walk/, click to change camera angle.Right Stick: Tilt to look around, click to crouch. Crouchingprevents you from falling off edges (unless you jump).RT: Hold down to mine the block in front of you, or attackmonsters or animals.LT: Alternative action: This changes depending on yoursituation, and is used to do everything from opening doorsto eating food to firing arrows from your bow to placing downblocks you are carrying.RB/LB: Scroll right/left along your hotkey bar.Start: Enter the pause menu. Note: This will not actuallypause the game.Select: Access the list of players in your world inmultiplayer. From here you can view others' Gamertags, or,if you are player 1 in this world, kick unwanted players outof the game.Home: Open the Xbox 360 Home menu. This will not pause thegame.A: Jump.B: Drop your equipped item.

If you are carrying a stack ofitems, this will only drop one.Y: Open your inventory. From here, you can rearrange the itemsyou are carrying, assign items to your hotkey bar (you canonly use items assigned to this bar), and equip armor. Openingthis menu will not pause the game.X: Open the Handcrafting menu. Crafting is the bread andbutter of Minecraft, but this particular menu will becomebasically obsolete when you craft a workbench. See the'Crafting and Furnace-ing' section for how to use thehandcrafting and workbench crafting menus. Opening this menudoes not pause the game.BASICS MINEBASDay and Night:Minecraft employs a day/night cycle to show the passage oftime. Each day consists of 10 minutes of broad daylight, a90 second sunset, a 7-minute night, and finally a 90-secondsunrise.

During those 7 minutes of night (which feels likemuch, much longer), there is enough darkness to allow monstersto spawn outside, and if you're not safely in your home, yourun the risk of bumping into some seriously nasty critters.See below for more on monsters and their spawning. The onlyweapon you have against the night is a bed, crafted from woodenplanks and wool. Fall asleep in a bed, and time will progressto just after sunrise the next morning. Monsters can no longerspawn on the surface, and many of the monsters left over fromlast night will burn to death in direct daylight.

Goodriddance.Health, healing, and death:This is pretty important. Those 10 red hearts at the bottomleft of your screen represent your health. If it hits zero,you're dead. If you die, you will reappear with full healthat your original spawn point (the place you were when you beganyour game).

Nothing in the world has changed, except for thetiny fact that you dropped EVERYTHING you were carrying. Younow have 5 minutes to hoof it back to the place you died andgrab all your stuff before it disappears forever. But that just makes it all the more important that youDON'T let your health hit zero. You lose health by gettingattacked by monsters (or other players, in the instance thatyou have scumbag friends), drowning (When you're underwater,a line of 10 bubbles appears above your health bar.

This isyour air meter. If it hits zero, you start losing healthrapidly. Surface to replenish it.), stepping in lava,catching on fire (which quite often follows the lavastepping), falling from a height of over 3 blocks, gettingburied by blocks that follow gravity (sand and gravel), andtouching a cactus. It's a dangerous world, huh? Health isreplenished by eating food, and there are many types:Raw Porkchop: Dropped by dead pigs.Cooked Porkchop: Cook a raw porkchop in a furnace. Droppedby dead Zombie Pigmen.Bread: Made from 3 wheat.Cake: Made from 3 wheat, 3 buckets of milk, 2 sugar, and 1egg.

Cakes function differently from other food in that youplace them down like a block, and then by pressing RT on them,you eat a slice. There are six slices in each cake.Raw Fish: Catch with a fishing rod in any body of water.Cooked Fish: Cook a raw fish in a furnace.Cookie: Made from 2 wheat and 1 cocoa bean. Cocoa beans areonly found in treasure chests in dungeons.Mushroom Stew: Made from 1 bowl, 1 red mushroom, and 1 brownmushroom. After you eat it, you recover the bowl.Apple: Found in treasure chests near monster spawners.Oh, yeah, and when you sleep successfully in a bed, your spawnposition is set to the location of that bed, so that's whereyou'll respawn if you die.

Sadly, sleeping does notrestore your health.Monsters:Behind every great game is a cast of wonderfully nastyvillains, and Minecraft is no exception. In this game, lightis life and darkness is death, literally. You see, every areain Minecraft is lit up to a certain degree. This degree oflight is measured by an invisible counter that goes from 0(darkest) to 15 (brightest). Monsters can spawn in light level7 and below. Here's a list of all light sources and their lightlevels.The Sun: 15Fire (from burning blocks or Netherrack): 15Jack-O-Lantern: 15Lava: 15Glowstone block: 15Torch: 14Active Furnace: 13The Sun with rain: 12Nether Portal: 11Redstone Torch: 7The Moon: 4(For light sources that are placed (Fire, Jack-O-Lantern,lava, glowstone, torch, furnace, nether portal, redstonetorch), the light level decreases by 1 for every block awayfrom the source.)The three exceptions to this rule are Slimes, Ghasts andZombie Pigmen.

Ghasts and Zombie Pigmen only spawn in TheNether, and will spawn no matter what the light level is.Slimes only spawn very deep underground, and they areincredibly rare. Also, animals are TECHNICALLY classified asmonsters, but they can spawn in any light level (but notunderground).Here is a list of all the monsters and animals in the game,with general information on each:Zombies:The original brain-munching walking corpse is the most basicmonster in Minecraft, and can be classified by theirhuman-like shape and constant moans and gurgles. They attackby walking into you and (inexplicably) drop feathers on death.Zombies burn in direct sunlight, unless they are underwater.Skeletons:My personal most hated and feared monster in the game,Skeletons make a distinctive bone-rattling sound when theyare nearby. The other sound they make is the.twang. of arrowsflying out of their bowstrings and right towards your head.That's right, Skeletons are the ranged specialists ofMinecraft's monster lineup, and they have deadeye aim.

It'sdifficult to even get close enough to smack these suckerswithout taking a couple hits. And if you meet one in thecramped quarters of an underground cave? Yikes, good luck withthat. They drop arrows and bones when they die. Thankfully,they burn in direct sunlight, unless they are underwater.Creepers:The official mascot of Minecraft, Creepers have a very oddattack pattern. They make absolutely no noise until they getvery close to you. Then, they start flashing white and lettingout a hissing noise.

If you haven't already seen it coming,it's already too late to turn around and fight it, becausethat hiss means it's about to explode. When a Creeperexplodes, it not only hurts you A LOT (It can 1-hit kill youif it's right next to you when it blows), it also rips up allthe blocks around it, breaking them down as if you had minedthem all. Now just imagine you were standing near your housewhen this happened. Yep, I hope you were ready for a renovationanyway, because that wall is coming down.

These habits,combined with the fact that they don't burn in sunlight, makesCreepers a highly annoying foe. They drop gunpowder when youkill them. (But not if they blow themselves up.)Note: Creepers also have a second item drop on death. Theseare music discs, which you can use in jukeboxes to play music.However, Creepers only drop music discs when killed by aSkeleton's arrow. You can't imagine how difficult it is toaccomplish this task.Spiders:No, these aren't your everyday daddy longlegs. These arehairy, red-eyed, arachnaphobia-inducing tarantulas the sizeof small dogs, and to top it all off, they can run faster andjump higher than you can. Spiders can jump over walls twoblocks high, making them nearly impossible to outrun.

Theircry is an unearthly, static-y screech that does nothing tomake them less scary. They drop string when they die, andalthough they do not burn in sunlight, they become friendlyin the morning, and will not attack you.

They also screechless often in the daytime.Ghasts: Probably the strangest and spookiest monsters inMinecraft, Ghasts inhabit The Nether. They are large, white,cube-shaped, ghost-like beings with sad faces.

They attackby floating out of reach and spitting flaming cannonballs atyou. Chronicle of innsmouth download book. Combined with Netherrack's forever-burn nature, Ghastscan turn the very ground you walk on into a firey deathtrap.Because they float so far away, the only ways to kill themare to pelt them with arrows from a bow, deflect theircannonballs back at them with a well-timed sword swing, or(pros only), use a fishing rod to pull them right up in yourgrill and hack away at their bodies with a sword.Zombie Pigmen: The other, less-dangerous inhabitants of TheNether are these creatures. Similar in form to Zombies, butdecked out in worn armor, Zombie Pigmen are unique in thatthey will not attack you until you fight them first. Then,they chase after you and bash you with their swords. NearbyPigmen will also rush to their comrades' aid in battle as well.They are certainly tough, but because they drop cookedporkchops when they die, the reward might just be worth therisk.Slimes: This RPG cliche makes its' way to Minecraft in a ratherobscure way.

Slimes only spawn deep underground (below Y level40 on your map) in natural caves, and they are very difficultto find. They resemble jiggly green blocks of gelatin, andattack by hopping toward you and ramming you. They come inseveral sizes, with the larger ones being stronger. When dealtlethal damage, larger Slimes split up into several smallerones. They drop Slimeballs when they die, which are used tocraft Sticky Pistons.Cow: This farm animal wanders lazily around the world, as cowsoften do, mooing its' little heart out. When they die, theydrop leather, which can be crafted into weak armor.Pig: The most useful animal in the game by far, pigs drop rawporkchops when they die.

Going pig hunting is a great way torestock on health-restoring items.Chicken: These lil' guys wander around aimlessly, cluckingand crowing and clucking some more. They drop feathers whenthey die, but you may want to consider letting them live. Everyfive minutes or so, a chicken will lay an egg, which can beused to craft yummy cakes, or you can just chuck them at yourbuddies.

Interesting note: Throwing an egg has a small chanceof hatching a live chicken.Sheep: These fluffy animals come in several different colorsin nature. Killing them causes them to drop 1 block of wool,but pressing LT on them with shears makes them drop up to 4blocks and become bald. There is no reason to kill them aftershearing the wool, as they don't drop anything on death whenthey are bald.

Eventually, a sheared sheep will regrow its'wool, and can be killed/sheared again for more wool. Also,if you have dye in your hands and press LT on a sheep, youwill dye the sheep's wool the color of the dye. Have a wholeflock of blue, pink and yellow sheep if you want!Squid: These rarely-seen sea creatures lazily swim around inlarge bodies of water. They drop ink sacks when they die.Wolf: Uncommon, sheep-hunting members of the canine familythat, at first glance, don't seem to be very special.

Theydon't drop anything when they die, and are the only animalsthat actually fight back when you hit them. Furthermore, ifa wolf sees his buddy getting attacked, he will come afteryou as well. However, wolves are very special for one reason:they can be yours.

By feeding a wolf a bone with LT, you havea chance of taming the wolf. It may take several tries (andbones) to succeed, but when you see hearts popping out of thewolf and a red collar appear around its' neck, that wolf isnow yours. Your new pet will follow you everywhere (exceptinto The Nether), and will help you fight enemies (exceptCreepers). By looking at a tame wolf and pressing LT, you canmake them sit if you want to go alone for a bit. If they gethurt enough, they will die.

Prevent this by feeding them rawand cooked porkchops. Tame wolves show their health conditionby the position of their tail. A perked-up tail means a healthywolf.Dungeons and Monster Spawners:Deep underground, there exist special areas. These areas,denoted by unique Mossy Cobblestone lining the floor, areknown as dungeons. In the center of each dungeon, there isa blue cage with a tiny spinning pig inside.

This is a monsterspawner. These are very bad things, because every few seconds,a certain type of monsters (either spiders, skeletons, orzombies) spawn around the cage, in groups of 3 or 4 at a time.Monster Spawners can be broken, but a better way of disablingthem is to place torches on all sides of the spawner block.This prevents monsters from appearing out of the cage. Andleaving a spawner intact will allow crafty players to makedevices to mass-produce monster items. I have no idea how todo this, and if you want to find out how, your best bet isto look it up elsewhere on the Internet.

Finally, the thingthat makes dungeons worth finding, are up to two treasurechests in each dungeon. These are filled with random items,including strings, gunpowder, bread, empty buckets, musicdiscs, and saddles (used to ride pigs!).Fun Fact: Character SkinsThis has nothing to do with anything, but if you press theStart button to open the Pause menu, then select Help/Options,you can choose from a limited selection of skins for yourcharacter. Want blonde hair and a red Speedo? You can havethat.

Want a James Bond suit? You can have that, too.This is a hidden line.

It is an anti-theft measurement. Ifyou find this guide is on a website that is not in the listof approved sites in the 'legal' section, please send me anemail.SURVIVING THE FIRST NIGHT MINE1STThis is assuming you don't wimp out and set the difficultyto Peaceful on your first night.When you start a new world, you will appear in a random area.Wherever you are, your first priority is to get wood. OK, OK,have your laugh.

Anyway, go runaround until you find a tree, then hold down RT to punch oneof the wood blocks making it up until it breaks and acollectable block of wood pops out. Grab it, and repeat untilyou have a good supply of wood. 20 or so will be more thanenough for now.

Next, open your crafting menu with the Xbutton. You should have Wood Planks highlighted.

Mash the Abutton repeatedly until all your Wood has been crafted intoWood Planks (1 Wood= 4 Wood Planks). Next, we need to upgradeyour crafting menu to allow for more options. Highlight theCrafting Table (some people call it the Workbench). You'llneed 4 Wood Planks to craft this bad boy.

You only need one,so don't waste your planks. After you craft it, make sure it'sequipped to your hotkey bar (open the inventory with the Ybutton, and use A to move stuff between your inventory andhotkey bar). Equip the Crafting Table and place it down onthe ground with LT (you can break it with RT to pick it upand move it later). Press LT on the Crafting Table, and youwill have access to the complete Crafting menu, with all theoptions unlocked. Right, for what we want, we need sticks.Stick are made using wood planks, so highlight them and makea good supply (but not so many that you waste all your woodplanks).

Next, press RB to change tabs in the crafting table.This section is your tools, and your option on the far leftis the bread and butter of Minecraft: The pickaxe. Highlightit and craft a Wooden Pickaxe out of 3 Wood Planks and 2 Sticks.Equip that baby, and our next priority is finding some coal.By now, it might be getting a bit late, so hurry up and findit! Coal Ore stands out against normal Stone by having bigblack flecks in it. Break it with your pickaxe to gather thecoal from it.

Note that you cannot mine coal, or even stonefor that matter, with anything besides a pickaxe. The block.will. break eventually, but you will not be able to gatherthe resource. Anyway, once you collect a bit of coal and agood supply of cobblestone (you get cobblestone by miningstone), you can build your first house. It doesn't need tobe fancy, just a little hut. You can also make it out of WoodPlanks if you're hurting for Cobblestone, but make sure toupgrade to cobble ASAP.

Wood-based blocks are not the bestbuilding material, trust me. Now, craft some torches with Coaland Sticks, and place them inside your house to light it up.Craft a door with Wood Planks, lock yourself inside, and.relax. You survived your first day and night.Assuming your house is secure, your torches are placed, andyour door is shut, no monsters can get you.

Ifyou still have time before sunset, go out and smack some sheepuntil you get 3 Wool of any color. Use it with Wood Planksto craft a bed, place that in your house, and you have a wayof instantly turning night into day.Worst-case scenarios:1.

I spawned in a desert/other area with no trees! What doI do?Find some. There is no substitute for wood. Birch wood canbe used just as well as normal wood, if that's all you have.Really, if you can't find ANY trees by the your first sunset,you can consider the world a flop anyway.2. I can't find coal, and it's getting dark!Alright, this is a pretty common problem, and fortunatelythere is a workaround. What you want to do is gather some wood,but only craft some of it into wood planks.

Mine someCobblestone (you can find stone, I presume), and use it atyour Workbench to craft a Furnace. Place that down, and usethe planks as the fuel, and the wood as the ingredient. Thiswill create Charcoal, which functions exactly like Coal.

Makesure to find natural coal as fast as possible, because makingcharcoal is just a waste of wood unless there is no otheroption.THE HUNT FOR OBSIDIAN MINEOBSAfter you survive your first night, your main goal inMinecraft is to find and mine iron, then diamond, thenobsidian. Firstly, you will need to start a mine. This issometimes as simple as digging down (but not straight down!)into the ground until you randomly stumble upon a naturalcave. Then, just explore the cave systems beneath the earth'ssurface until you find iron ore. Iron ore looks like stone,with light brown/tan flecks in it, similar to coal ore.However, mining out iron ore does not give you workable iron,instead it just gives you a block of the iron ore itself. Toturn it into Iron Ingots (which is what you use to make irontools), you need to smelt the ore in a furnace (made with 8blocks of Cobblestone at a Crafting Table) with fuel, ideallycoal.

However, charcoal, wood, wood planks, sticks, saplings,etc. Can also be used as fuel. Once you have iron ingots, youcan craft an Iron Pickaxe.

With the Iron Pickaxe, you can mineany block in the game. Except one: Obsidian. For that, youwill need to find Diamonds. Diamond Ore looks like stone, butwith light blue/green flecks in it, and it is even rarer thanIron Ore.

Thankfully, when you do mine Diamond Ore, you donot need to smelt it, as it will give you a Diamond directly.Now, we need at least 10 blocks of Obsidian to complete ourmain quest. Obsidian, for those who don't know, is volcanicstone that is very, very durable.

In Minecraft terms, thatmeans it can only be mined with a Diamond Pickaxe (and eventhen, it takes a long time to break). Finding Obsidian is evenmore difficult than mining it, unfortunately.

Obsidian iscreated artificially when water touches unmoving lava. So,you'll need to craft a bucket (3 Iron Ingots), fill it withwater, find some lava, and pour the water all up in there.Break it with a Diamond Pickaxe, grab the Obsidian before itfalls into the lava, and rinse and repeat 9 more times. Hey,nobody said it was easy!Once you have your 10 Obsidian, you'll want to arrange it(preferably on the surface) in this pattern: 4 blocks acrossby five blocks up. The corners do NOT need to be made ofObsidian, and if you want the corners, you will need a totalof 14 Obsidian.

Game Minecraft Bed Wars Playstation 4

After the Nether Portal is constructed, crafta Flint and Steel (1 Iron Ingot, 1 Flint from digging upGravel) and light the center. The Portal will now make eerienoises, and purple haze will be inside the center.Congratulations, you have reached the theoretical extent ofwhat you can accomplish in Minecraft: Xbox 360 edition! Butwhat lies behind the Nether Portal? Well, that's an entirelydifferent story altogether. (See the 'The Nether' sectionbelow)THE NETHER MINEHELLThe Nether. Quite literally the 'Hell' of Minecraft, thisstrange place is home to strange creatures (Ghasts and ZombiePigmen) and new and intriguing types of blocks. Each steptaken in The Nether equals three steps in the surface world,so if you build two Nether Portals, you can use the Netherto travel more quickly between distant areas.

What else isin The Nether? Danger, and lots of it. Lava flows like waterhere, the very ground beneath your feet is incrediblyflammable, and certain sections can slow your movement down,making you easy pickings for the Ghasts. It's nice, but Iwouldn't build a summer home there.EXTRA STUFF MINEEXTSo, you've built your portal and had your fill of The Nether.What should you do while you're waiting for the next updateto come out? Try some of these little tricks to make yourMinecraft experience that much better:1. Achievement hunt!

(See the Achievement section below)2. Take the fight to the monsters by crafting a bow and makinga stockpile of arrows!3. Make a wheat garden and have a renewable resource of food!Making a wheat garden is one of the most underrated practicesin Minecraft, fairly complicated though it is. First off,you'll need some seeds.

Seeds can be found by ripping up tallgrass and ferns. Once you have seeds, you'll need to crafta Hoe to till dirt (preferably in a designated area fairlyclose to your house). Next, you need to make sure that theseeds have two things they need to survive: Water and constantlight. The former is as easy as making an infinite spring (Seethe Cheating section below) and piping some of that water tofurrows in the ground near your tilled dirt. When the dirtbecomes very dark brown, seeds will begin to grow in it onceplanted.

For constant light, set up torches in and above thegarden. This not only stops monsters from spawning in yourfields, it also lets the wheat grow at night, when there isno sun. Finally, we need to make sure that curious animalsand monsters can't get into the garden and trample the growingwheat! Craft some fences with your Crafting Table (6 Sticksmakes 2 fences), and surround your entire garden with them.Leave one space for a Door so you can enter and exit the gardenas you please. Now, just wait for the wheat to grow tall andturn brown.

Then, smack the crop with RT and you will recieve1 Wheat and up to 2 Seeds. Replant a seed back in the openplot, and start it all over again! With wheat, you can craftmany food items, most importantly bread. Bread is a cheapalternative to Cooked Porkchops for restoring health.4. Build a minecart track for easy access around the world!The only thing to keep in mind for this is that you will needPowered Rails as well as normal rails to get your minecartsmoving, and those need to be powered by Redstone to beactivated. I recommend placing Redstone Torches along thesides of your minetrack wherever you have powered rails.SKINS MINESKINSkins are, basically, alternative characters to play as. Theskin you are 'wearing' does not affect gameplay in any way.In the original release, the skin you had was dependent onwhat player you were (player 1 in a world was always Steve,player 2 was always Tennis Steve, etc.)Standard Skins: These come preloaded when you buy the game.1.

Steve (green shirt, jeans)2. Tennis Steve (Tennis uniform, blonde hair, headband)3.

Tuxedo Steve (Tuxedo and dress pants)4. Athlete Steve (African American, white tank top, jeans,gold chain)5. Scottish Steve (Orange hair, tuxedo, kilt)6. Prisoner Steve (White hair, orange prisoner's jumpsuit)7.

Cyclist Steve (Red sports top, Speedo)8. Boxer Steve (Blonde hair, boxing gloves, boots, jock strap)Skin Pack 1: The first 15 skins can be downloaded for freevia the Skin Pack 1 Free Trial. The rest will cost you 180Microsoft Points (2 U.S. Racing Driver 1 (Blue)2. Racing Driver 2 (Green)3. Racing Driver 3 (Red)4. Racing Driver 4 (Yellow)5.

Prisoner (Traditional black and white striped uniform andcap)7. Victorian Swimmer8. Deep Sea Diver9.

Knight Templar13. Black Knight14.

Creeper Man16. Jack of Blades20.

Hero (from Fable 3)21. Locust Drone25. Cole Train26.

Clayton Carmine27. Master Chief28. Covenant Grunt29.

Covenant Brute30. Mumbo Jumbo35. Trials Rider37. 'Splosion Man42. Scientist Wilson43.

Scientist Danklef44. 'Splosion Man45.

Mandy EliteSummer of Arcade 2012 Skin Pack: Free for a limited time inthe summer of 2012. Downloaded from the Minecraft tab in theSummer of Arcade 2012 menu, accessed from the Xbox Dashboard.These skins feature characters from all the Summer of Arcade2012 games.1. Randall Wayne4.

Stella Patterson5. Skinny Zombie6. Female Zombie7.

Hot Goblin10. Bunny Suit Goblin11. Officer DickCRAFTING AND FURNACE-ING MINECRFTWhat an undertaking this is, huh? Eh, whatever. Crafting isthe potatoes of Minecraft (the meat being the Mining, ofcourse).

All sorts of things can be crafted in Minecraft, andthis will show them all. I've added personalized notes toentries that require specific detail. Now, without furtherado:TAB 1: STRUCTURES1. Wood Planks (makes 4 Wood Planks)Ingredient: 1 WoodVery versatile crafting and construction tool.

You will usethese a lot throughout the entire game, especially at thebeginning.2. Sticks (makes 4 Sticks)Ingredients: 2 Wood PlanksUsed in bulk to craft Torches, you will mostly use these forcrafting the various tools throughout the game.3. SandstoneIngredients: 4 SandThis does not follow gravity like Sand does, making it betterfor construction. It's also found naturally underneath Sand.4.

Snow BlockIngredients: 4 Snowballs5. Clay BlockIngredients: 4 Clay Balls6. Brick BlockIngredients: 4 Clay Bricks7. Crafting TableIngredients: 4 Wood PlanksThis is used to open up the full crafting menu. Absolutelyessential for crafting anything useful.8. FurnaceIngredients: 8 CobblestoneUsed to smelt ore into ingots, burn wooden things, turn Sandinto Glass, and cook raw meat.9. ChestIngredients: 8 Wood PlanksUsed to store items safely, and are found naturally inDungeons.

If two chests are placed side by side, they sharea double-sized inventory.10. BedIngredients: 3 Wool (any color), 3 Wood PlanksUsed to turn night into day. In multiplayer, all players mustbe sleeping at the same time in different beds for time tochange.11. Fence (makes 2)Ingredients: 6 SticksTreated as 15 blocks high for players, animals, and monsters,but 1 block high for blocks.12.

Ladder (makes 2)Ingredients: 7 Sticks13. Wooden DoorIngredients: 6 Wood PlanksPress RT or LT to open/close. Keeps animals and monsters out.15. Iron DoorIngredients: 6 Iron IngotsCan only be opened by a lever or Redstone circuit.17. Trapdoor (makes 2)Ingredients: 6 Wood PlanksBasically a vertical door.18. Wooden/Stone Stairs (makes 4)Ingredients: 6 Wood Planks/6 CobblestoneUsed to make compact staircases19.

Wooden/Sandstone/Stone Slab (makes 3)Ingredients: 3 Wood Planks/3 Sandstone/ 3 Stone OR 3CobblestoneTAB 2: TOOLS AND WEAPONS1. Wooden/Stone/Iron/Diamond/Golden PickaxeIngredients: 2 Sticks, 3 Wood Planks/2 Sticks, 3Cobblestone/2 Sticks, 3 Iron Ingots/2 Sticks, 3 Diamonds/2Sticks, 3 Gold IngotsNeeded to mine Stone and Ore2. Wooden/Stone/Iron/Diamond/Golden ShovelIngredients: 2 Sticks, 1 Wood Plank/2 Sticks, 1 Cobblestone/2Sticks, 1 Iron Ingot/2 Sticks, 1 Diamond/2 Sticks, 1 GoldIngotDigs Dirt, Grass, Sand, Gravel, and Snow faster, required togather Snowballs3. Wooden/Stone/Iron/Diamond/Golden AxeIngredients: 2 Sticks, 3 Wood Planks/2 Sticks, 3Cobblestone/2 Sticks, 3 Iron Ingots/2 Sticks, 3 Diamonds/2Sticks, 3 Gold IngotsChops Wood-related blocks faster4. Wooden/Stone/Iron/Diamond/Golden HoeIngredients: 2 Sticks, 2 Wood Planks/2 Sticks, 2Cobblestone/2 Sticks, 2 Iron Ingots/2 Sticks, 2 Diamonds/2Sticks, 2 Gold Ingots5. TNTIngredients: 5 Gunpowder, 4 SandUsed to make big booms.

Set off by hitting with RT or a Redstonecircuit.6. Fishing RodIngredients: 3 Sticks, 2 StringsUsed to fish in any body of water.

Press LT to cast, and againto reel in a Raw Fish when the bobber sinks underwater.7. ShearsIngredients: 2 Iron IngotsUsed to more efficiently harvest wool from sheep, and can alsobe used to gather leaves, instead of just breaking them.8. Flint and SteelIngredients: 1 Iron Ingot, 1 FlintStarts fires, activates Nether Portals9.

BowIngredients: 3 Sticks, 3 StringsRanged weapon. Fires arrows.10. Arrow (makes 4)Ingredients: 1 Stick, 1 Flint, 1 FeatherUsed as ammunition for the Bow.

They don't need to be in yourhotkey bar for you to fire them, they just need to be in yourinventory.11. BucketIngredients: 3 Iron IngotsUsed to transport water, lava, and milk.

Press LT to gatherand again to pour.12. Bowl (makes 4)Ingredients: 3 Wood Planks13. Wooden/Stone/Iron/Diamond/Golden SwordIngredients: 1 Stick, 2 Wood Planks/1 Stick, 2 Cobblestone/1Stick, 2 Iron Ingots/1 Stick, 2 Diamonds/1 Stick, 2 GoldIngotsUsed to fight monsters more easily.14. Torch (makes 4)Ingredients: 1 Stick, 1 Coal OR 1 CharcoalLights up areas, preventing monsters from spawning. Meltssnow and ice.15. Jack-O-LanternIngredients: 1 Pumpkin, 1 TorchBrighter than Torches and more festive than Glowstone Blocks.Melts snow and ice, and can be placed underwater.16. Glowstone BlockIngredients: 4 Glowstone DustExactly the same as a Jack-O-Lantern, but less festive.17.

ClockIngredients: 4 Gold Ingots, 1 RedstoneShows the position of the Sun and Moon. In other words,completely useless.18. CompassIngredients: 4 Iron Ingots, 1 RedstonePoints to your spawn point, or to the last bed you slept in.19. MapIngredients: 8 Papers, 1 CompassShows a map of your world, with X, Y, and Z coordinates andcolored markers for different players in multiplayer. Filledout automatically when you walk to new places with itequipped.TAB 3: FOOD1. Mushroom StewIngredients: 1 Red Mushroom, 1 Brown Mushroom, 1 BowlHealth: 5You recover the bowl after you eat it.2.

Cookie (makes 8)Ingredients: 2 Wheat, 1 Cocoa BeanHealth: 0.53. CakeIngredients: 3 Buckets of Milk, 2 Sugar, 1 Egg, 3 WheatHealth: 1.5 per slice, with 6 slicesPlaced like a block, press LT or RT to eat 1 slice at a time.Formerly, you would lose the Buckets when you craft it, butthis has been fixed.4. SugarIngredient: 1 SugarcaneCannot be eaten, only use is in crafting Cake.5. BreadIngredients: 3 WheatHealth: 2.5TAB 4: ARMOR1.

Leather Cap/Iron/Diamond/Golden HelmetIngredients: 5 Leather/5 Iron Ingots/5 Diamonds/5 Gold Ingots2. Leather Tunic/Iron/Diamond/Golden ChestplateIngredients: 7 Leather/7 Iron Ingots/7 Diamonds/7 Gold Ingots3. Leather Pants/Iron/Diamond/Golden LeggingsIngredients: 6 Leather/6 Iron Ingots/6 Diamonds/6 Gold Ingots4.

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Leather/Iron/Diamond/Golden BootsIngredients: 4 Leather/4 Iron Ingots/4 Diamonds/4 Gold IngotsTAB 5: MECHANISMS1. LeverIngredients: 1 Stick, 1 Cobblestone2.

Redstone TorchIngredients: 1 Stick, 1 RedstoneProvides less light than Torches, so little that monsters canspawn in their light.3. Redstone RepeaterIngredients: 2 Redstone Torches, 3 Stone, 1 Redstone4. ButtonIngredients: 2 StoneStays activated for about 1 second after being pressed, thenautomatically turns off.5. Pressure PlateIngredients: 2 Wood PlanksActivated by a player, animal, or monster stepping on them,or when an item is dropped on them.6. DispenserIngredients: 7 Cobblestone, 1 Bow, 1 RedstonePlace items inside, then activate it with a Redstone Circuitto make it dispense them. Dispensed Arrows, Snowballs, andEggs are fired rapidly,break on impact, and can damagemonsters or players.7.

Note BlockIngredients: 8 Wooden Planks, 1 RedstonePlays a note when activated by LT. Use RT to change the pitch.Plays different instruments when placed on different typesof blocks.8. PistonIngredients: 3 Wooden Planks, 4 Cobblestone, 1 Iron Ingot,1 RedstoneWhen activated by a Redstone circuit, it pushes forward. Whenthe circuit is cut, it retracts. I'm not really good at usingRedstone mechanisms, you should find somebody else to teachyou how to use these.9. Sticky PistonIngredients: 1 Piston, 1 SlimeballCreated to (finally) make hunting Slimes worthwhile, theSticky Piston functions similarly to the Piston, but the blockit touches when it extends becomes 'stuck' to it and when theSticky Piston retracts, the block will stay with it.TAB 6: TRANSPORT1.

Rail (makes 16)Ingredients: 6 Iron Ingots, 1 Stick2. Powered Rail (makes 6)Ingredients: 6 Gold Ingots, 1 Redstone, 1 StickWhen activated by a Redstone circuit, makes Minecarts movefaster.3. Detector Rail (makes 6)6 Iron Ingots, 1 Redstone, 1 ButtonPressure Plate that is only activated by a Minecart rollingover it. Needs to be activated by a Redstone circuit.4. MinecartIngredients: 5 Iron Ingots5. Minecart with ChestIngredients: 1 Minecart, 1 ChestFor transporting items along rails that won't fit in yourinventory. Harder to move than Minecarts.6.

Minecart with FurnaceIngredients: 1 Minecart, 1 FurnaceCan move on its' own and push other Minecarts when given fuel.7. BoatIngredients: 5 Wood PlanksFor quicker travel over water than simply swimming.TAB 7: DECORATIONS1. WoolIngredients: 1 Various Wool, 1 Various DyeDifferent-colored wool.2. DyeIngredients: Various itemsDifferent-colored dyes for wool.3.

Block of Iron/Diamond/Lapis Lazuli/GoldIngredients: 9 Iron Ingots/9 Diamonds/9 Lapis Lazuli Dye/9Gold IngotsPlacable blocks, used for high-class construction or morecompact storage.4. Breakdown Iron Ingot/Gold Ingot/Diamond/Lapis Lazuli Dye(makes 9)Ingredients: 1 Block of Iron/1 Block of Gold/1 Block ofDiamond/1 Block of Lapus Lazuli5. JukeboxIngredients: 8 Wood Planks, 1 DiamondPlays Music Discs.6. Paper (makes 3)Ingredients: 3 Sugarcanes7. BookIngredients: 3 Papers8.

BookshelfIngredients: 6 Wood Planks, 3 Books9. PaintingIngredients: 1 Wool (any color), 8 Sticks10. SignIngredients: 6 Wood Planks, 1 StickDisplays text players can write on it.THE FURNACEThe Furnace is a crafted item that, when placed, allows forfiring of objects. To use the furnace, you must put acompatible object in both the ingredient and fuelsections.

Some types of fuel burns longer than others.Sticks: Very short fuel time (smelts 1 block)Wood Planks, Saplings, Birch Saplings: Short fuel time(smelts 3 blocks)Coal, Charcoal: Medium fuel time (smelts 8 blocks)Bucket of Lava: Long fuel time (smelts 100 blocks, but youlose the bucket)Many objects can be fired to become different items:Wood or Birch Wood-CharcoalSand-GlassIron Ore-Iron IngotGold Ore-Gold IngotCactus-Cactus Green DyeRaw Porkchop-Cooked PorkchopRaw Fish-Cooked FishEach firing process takes a bit of time to occur, signifiedby whether the furnace is lit or not. A lit furnace generateshigh amounts of light, enough to prevent monsters fromspawning! Also, furnaces can be combined with minecarts tocreate a minecart that can travel on the fuel placed in thefurnace, without the need for Powered Rails and Redstone topower them. I highly recommend using Powered Rails andRedstone Torches, though.CHEATING MINENOOBI know of a few cheats so in this version of the game. Beforethis guide was written, there was a duplicate items glitchwith the Dispenser, but to the best of my knowledge, that hasbeen patched.1. Infinite Spring glitchYou'll need two bucketfuls of water for this. Dig a 2x2 ditchin the ground, place a bucket of water in one space, allowit to fill the hole, and pour the other bucket in the spacediagonal to the first Now every space in this tiny lake isa 'source' block, and you can collect as much water as youneed from any space in the lake without ever running out.2.

X-ray vision/See caverns glitchFor this glitch, you need to dig deep underground, then diga very long, straight tunnel that is just big enough for acharacter to fit through (2 blocks high). Stand at theentrance to the tunnel and go into third person mode. Positionthe camera so it is behind and slightly above your characterand run forward. If the camera is angled correctly, thebobbing of the camera should allow quick glimpses through theceiling of the tunnel, allowing you to see undiscoverednatural caverns on the horizon. When you see them, headtowards them and mine over to them, and loot the treasureswithin.3. Cobblestone GeneratorThere are several ways of creating these. This one was sentin (complete with ASCII, which is beyond my realm of skill)by reader 'Necrolythe'.Required Items:At least 20 stone or cobblestone1 bucket of lava2 buckets of water1 ladder/sign1 wood/stone/sandstone/cobblestone slabDirections:Start by placing 3 pieces of cobblestone on the ground in aV, then build each spot up to 3 blocks high.

At the openingof the V, make another stack of cobblestone 3 high, and mineout the middle piece. Pour the bucket of lava into gap betweenthe 4 blocks at the top of these stacks. Should end up withsomething like this:TOP VIEWccccLccc=CobblestoneL=LavaThe lava will flow down, and not spread through the gap. Now,place a block of cobblestone on the ground on 2 opposite sidesof the generator, and make a V on each side, resulting in thisshape:cccccLccc c cc cPlace 2 cobblestone on the ground diagonally from the inner2, until you have a shape like this:cccccLccc c cc cc cc cIn the 1 block wide opening, dig down one block and put ina slab. Place a sign or ladder on the side of the cobblestonenext to this hole, as this will keep the water from flowingout of the generator.

Follow this up by pouring a bucket ofwater into the middle of the side Vs, which will finish thegenerator. The final product should look something like this:cccccLcccw c wcc cc ccsc.