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Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus

Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus Rating: 9,4/10 3056 reviews
  1. Defeating Kazdan Paratus
  2. Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus Species
  3. Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus

' Kazdan Paratus is far more powerful than you. I do not expect you to survive. But if you destroy him, you'll be one step closer to your destiny.' ―Darth Vader, to Galen MarekKazdan Paratus was a who served the and the as a of the during the.

  • Re: Kazdan Paratus To make Kazdan vulnerable, force push one of the little statues of the jedi masters. He will get angry and yell at you, and basicly its take your pick on what power you want to.
  • The Force Unleashed. The TFU novelization describes Paratus as a quick and proficient user of the Force. 'Part flesh and part machine, the renegade Jedi Master was proficient with the Force,.

If you can, try and hit him with it on his way out. If he hits something on his flight to death ville, it gives a crush bonus, a lightning grenade bonus, and minor damage. Now, while your force energy is recharging, you should faintly see him climbing the spire in the background. When he jumps back into the arena.

Defeating Kazdan Paratus

When the came to power and the Republic and Jedi Order were dissolved, Paratus abandoned his colleagues and fled to the on the of. Living in isolation on the junk planet, Paratus slowly descended into madness, attempting to reconstruct the Order from the junk that surrounded him. He was by after the Clone Wars ended, and Raxus Prime was subsequently annexed by the Empire. Contents Biography Early lifeKazdan Paratus.A, Kazdan Paratus was taken to the for in the ways of by the. During his time at the, Paratus lacked the martial skills of his peers, and instead focused on building machines and tinkering with; his lack of social skills troubled his and peers.

Following an apprenticeship with a, Paratus surprised his mentors when he successfully passed his through unusual means. Constructing to assist in the Trials, he passed and was given the rank of by the.Preferring to remain at the Temple during his tenure as a Knight, Paratus did take the occasional mission, using his battle droids to assist him when conflict arose. He was stationed at the Temple as an instructor at the academy and worked as a member of the, crafting for the Temple.

During this time, he constructed a with a blade. The Clone WarsWhen the erupted between the and the, Paratus could not refuse the opportunity to study the droids of the Confederacy. Paratus served as a in the, positioning himself on the front lines, building and as well as other machines designed to support the Grand Army. To increase his size and mobility, he designed four mechanical arms to wear on his back. Eventually, he took command of a group of that were mostly killed off in a disastrous campaign. Due to these circumstances, he was forced to create his own troops that consisted of combat droids that he assembled using makeshift parts. After a great battle, Paratus returned to the Temple and continued teaching at the academy.It was possibly around this time that Paratus was made a Jedi Master.

Great Jedi Purge. ' Don't worry, Masters.

I'll defend you from this Sith trash!' ―Kazdan Paratus, speaking to inanimate statue replicas of the Jedi Council ironically fashioned from trash (junk droid parts), before fighting StarkillerStationed at the Temple in the final days of the war, Paratus was present following the issuance of by the. The order, effectively disbanding the Jedi Order, was a plan by the to trap and destroy the Jedi. When led the the Temple, Paratus suffered a breakdown and fled in terror from the Temple, leaving his peers and his to die.

Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus Species

He escaped Coruscant in a nondescript with several droid prototypes in tow.Wracked with guilt over his abandonment of the Jedi, Paratus descended into insanity. Going into hiding on the waste-covered of, he became a reclusive droid maker. Paratus built an army of personally customized to protect himself from intruders, creating and held together by the Force. In his attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order, Paratus built a of the Coruscant Jedi Temple out of refuse and made puppets of all the High Councilors for the Council Chamber, arming them with various melee weapons. In his delusional state, Paratus would hold mock Council meetings, vowing to protect them from harm. Duel and death. ' You are not welcome here!'

Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus

Force Unleashed Kazdan Paratus

―Kazdan Paratus to StarkillerKazdan Paratus duels Starkiller.Approximately after the collapse of the Jedi Order, the insane Jedi was discovered by Darth Vader who sent his secret, on a mission to eliminate the Aleena Jedi. Paratus noticed his ship landing and consulted a metallic effigy of as to this matter and grew nervous after his silent 'answer,' moving his lightsaber from hand to hand.After navigating the junk world, the assassin arrived in Paratus's facsimile Temple and was by a armed with two large and a variety of weapons tipping its other arms.

The Sith apprentice dodged blows from the junk warrior, and as the floor buckled under the Titan's weight, knocked off one of its weapons with a. Dodging another attack by the golem, slicing as he went, Starkiller removed more of its weapons. He rolled through the machine's legs and cut up its spine, scoring a deep blow.The crippled machine attempted to turn at the man, but he used his to cut at both its vibro-axe arms, forcing it to drop one axe. He sent a barrage of lightning at the machine, sending all the strength he could muster at it.

Its became nonfunctional, though it still charged at Marek with its other axe. The apprentice used the Force to push the creature, knocking it off one of its legs through the walls of the Temple, following it and finally bringing it down in a junk version of the of the Jedi Temple with junk effigies of the late or missing Council members.The death of Kazdan Paratus.From a hatch in the machine's front emerged the Jedi Master that Starkiller had been searching for.

Paratus swore he would protect the 'Masters' and the mannequins began to stir, distracting the apprentice. Paratus lunged at the invader, a cut down Starkiller's left arm before it was parried. Though the assassin fought back, every move he made was either blocked almost instantly by the Aleena's or missed because of the Jedi's constant hopping from place to place. During the battle, Starkiller was suddenly struck from behind and his lightsaber.Confronted by a replica of Master standing behind him in a stance, a in place of his lightsaber.

After a moment of surprise, Starkiller used the Force to blow apart the patchwork tribute and regained his lightsaber, deflecting a blow from the recovered Paratus. More 'Masters', including, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker attempted to face the apprentice, but all were destroyed. With each 'death,' Paratus clasped his chest deeper in pain and despair at their loss, crying out when the last one, Master, fell.The old Jedi then attempted a telekinetic assault, but the Sith apprentice fought back, catching the massive chunk of machinery Paratus used and throwing it back. Paratus dodged, leaping onto the narrow window struts above the chamber floor, with Marek in pursuit.

Starkiller, worried that he might experience another vision as he had while dueling, intensified his attack, battering Paratus with debris and detritus. The two exchanged blows on the ledge, until Paratus suddenly retreated and fired a blast of Force energy at the dark sider.

Starkiller blocked and rebounded it, slamming Paratus into one of the support struts. The Aleena retreated to the chamber floor and again attempted a telekinetic assault, casting another massive chunk of machinery at the assassin. However, Starkiller again caught it and threw it back, sending it crashing into the Jedi Master, crushing him against the chamber floor and mortally wounding him.As he lay dying, Paratus uttered his last words, apologizing to the 'Masters' for failing them again.

Paratus then became one with the Force and his body disappeared in a flash. Starkiller took Paratus' lightsaber and left the ruined temple. ' I'm sorry, masters. I've failed you again.'

―Kazdan Paratus' last wordsAfter Paratus' death, Starkiller claimed Paratus's lightsaber pike as a gift for his master, as other than being snapped in half, it had survived the ordeal it had gone through when Paratus was crushed. Although he took the damaged weapon to his quarters and attempted for an hour to repair it, he was unsuccessful in restoring the weapon as he could not realign the to the lens and failed to connect the to the power conduit.Later, learned about Darth Vader's secret apprentice and their plan to kill him. Palpatine had his spies follow the to the, Darth Vader's still uncompleted. The Emperor boarded and told Vader to kill the apprentice, at which he reluctantly complied, Starkiller, using the Force to throw him around the room, and finally out of a into the vacuum of space. While he floated there, drifting in and out of consciousness, he experienced numerous visions of past and future events, including one of Paratus worriedly watching the Rogue Shadow land on the surface of Raxus Prime.Due to Paratus' death, Raxus Prime was left defenseless, as Paratus' droids had protected the planet during Paratus' lifetime.

Was angered by Paratus' death as they kept the Empire at bay for many years. Although scavengers remained on the planet for some time, the Empire soon took over the planet, stripping its metals to create, leaving little for scavengers to obtain. The metals and ores stripped from the planet after Paratus' death were used in orbiting construction facilities, such as the one Starkiller later destroyed using an. Personality and traits.

' Our home Stop ruining our home!' ―Kazdan Paratus' insane ranting as he duels Galen Marek.As a young Jedi, Paratus was more anti-social than some Padawans, preferring to hole himself up in his personal quarters to work upon his droids than to socialize. Not possessing the detachment of most Jedi, Paratus created the droids originally to aid with training Padawans in the Temple, and managed to pass his trials not through physical prowess with a lightsaber, but with intelligence. However, when Order 66 was initiated, and Operation: Knightfall subsequently occurred, Paratus fled the Jedi Temple in an act of his own perception of cowardice, leaving his comrades to their fate at the hands of Darth Vader and the 501st Legion.After abandoning the Jedi at the Temple on Coruscant, Paratus was consumed by guilt, which would eventually lead to madness.

The initial stages of his insanity caused Paratus to form an inferiority complex regarding his small size, prompting him to construct the four mechanical limbs he kept strapped to his back to provide him with the desired height and mobility. The next stage of his madness caused him to fall into a delusion of being a member of the Jedi Council, which in turn motivated him to construct the replica of the Jedi Temple out of the abundant debris on Raxus Prime. By the time Paratus faced Marek in combat, the Aleena Jedi was past the brink of, as shown by how he reconstructed all the Jedi Council members out of junk and believing them to be the actual individuals. Powers and abilities. ' I realized power, I realized fate, I realized the Dark Side.' ―Paratus to Galen Marek.Due to a special robotic rig on his back which served as additional limbs for him, Paratus was able to walk on walls and vertical surfaces. A Shien practitioner, Paratus handled his lightsaber pike with two of his mechanical limbs, allowing him to wield his chosen weapon with great dexterity, as shown by the way he mounted almost continuous attacks upon Starkiller during their duel.

He was also able to use his lightsaber staff to block the various counter-attacks utilized by Starkiller. He appeared to know the lightsaber form of every member of the Jedi Council who was present by the end of the Clone Wars; he used that intimate knowledge via the Force to imbue on the mannequins of those Council members, causing them to mimicking each individual fighting style.Adept with the Force, Paratus had a great level of control over his droid creations, and was capable of giving life to robotic creations that were subject to his will. He was capable of making such creations like the Junk Titan in a short span of time and with ease. With his death, all of the junk creatures he created collapsed. In combat, Paratus had the ability to suspend himself in mid-air and to hurl objects at an opponent using the Force, as he demonstrated against Starkiller.

Behind the scenesKazdan Paratus untextured model and concept art.Kazdan Paratus was voiced by in.Kazdan Paratus wields a blue in the and versions of the game, but a yellow lightsaber pike in the version, and a yellow with an elongated hilt in the, and versions. The novelization also describes his lightsaber staff as having two blades, one significantly shorter than the other.Paratus' death also plays out differently in the Wii and PS2 versions; instead of crushing him with junk as in the PS3 and Xbox 360 version, Starkiller smashes him against a wall before finishing him off with.Kazdan Paratus does not appear in the adaptation of The Force Unleashed. In, Paratus is depicted as having a yellow Long-handle lightsaber.For some reason isn't among Kazdan's junk Jedi Council in the version of the game. This may be a reference to the Jedi Master, who was supposed to take Shaak Ti's seat on the Council before it was decided that she wouldn't die at the hands of.Paratus' first name is most likely a reference to, screenwriter for and.Appearances.