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Warband Wild West Mod

Warband Wild West Mod Rating: 6,9/10 4044 reviews

Who created this?In the community I am known as Darwin. If you want to contact me for feedback, please do so on the TW Forums or send an email to. Your thoughts are always welcome!A while back, tyrannicide and I had the idea to do something like this. We didn't really have the time for it, though, so I asked for help.


Ever want to go medieval on someone? Lucky for you, Mount and Blade mods are everywhere, and many of them are good. But with so many Mount & Blade mods to choose from, how do you know what is worth your precious time? What are the best Mount and Blade mods? Read this list to find out the exactly that: the top 10 best Mount and Blade mods.

He did quite a bit of work for which I'd like to thank him. Unfortunately, Jace didn't have the time to finish it so I asked him for what he'd already done to continue his work, which resulted in this website.Additionally, is involved in keeping the information on this site up to date.

Blood in The West is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband created. The project is set in Middle-Earth during the Third age, around the War of the Ring. Join whatever faction you want, let blood be spilled without limits, and defeat your enemies with the strength of your arms and the might of your army!The mod offers six factions – Gondor, Mordor, Rohan, Isengard, Dwarven and Elven Kingdom, all ruled by the leaders known from the book and the film. Authors introduced complexly new map and hundreds of new units, textures, weapons and objects. Pretty much every element was replaced by proper The Lord of the Rings version and gameplay was also modified to more faithfully recreate the battles from the source material.How to install:1.Download the archive.2.Extract the archive to „. MountBlade WarbandModules”3. In configuration menu change „Native” to Blood in the West.

Mount n blade warband mods

Warband Wild West Mod Pack

Warband wild west mod 1 7 10

Warband Wild West Mod Minecraft 1 7 10

Popular files for Mount & Blade: WarbandNameTypeSizeDateTotal7 daysmod866.7 MB7/25/201750.7K541mod1283.7 MB8/13/201728.6K238patch99.2 MB7/.8K228mod455.7 MB4/19/201580.1K173mod2115.2 MB4/.4K147mod317.4 MB12/4/201722.8K118mod2948 MB6/2/201817.7K108mod1041.1 MB4/.5K102mod606.1 MB6/2/mod475.7 MB6/21/201712.5K97mod551.8 MB5/28/20178.3K96mod259.2 MB12/4/201769.9K94mod231.9 MB5/85mod852.5 MB2/20/201724.8K80mod591.8 MB6/21/201821K79mod1177.3 MB2/20/201757.7K69.