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Just Flight Hawker Siddeley Hs-748 Free Torrent

Just Flight Hawker Siddeley Hs-748 Free Torrent Rating: 7,5/10 4795 reviews
  1. Hawker Siddeley Canada Inc
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Download P3D v4 JustFlight HS-748 torrent or any other torrent from Games PC Direct download via magnet link. Oct 28, 2016  HS 748 Propliner for FSX and P3D from Just Flight. HS 748 Propliner for FSX and P3D from Just Flight. PAL Hawker Siddeley HS 748 - Duration.

HS 748 Propliner for FSX and P3D includes the Series 2A variant in 16 liveries. FEATURESModel.Accurately modelled HS 748 Series 2, built using real-world aircraft plans.Many detailed animations, including:- Accurate landing gear operations- Built-in rear door air-stairs- Authentic flap action- Trim tabs- Windshield wipers- Passenger and cargo doors- Animated pilots- Cockpit windows.Ground power unit, flags and chocks.Specular map to give realistic light effects on the aircraft surfaces.Bump mapping to give a more realistic 3D effect to the liveriesCockpit.3D cockpit with virtually all of the hundreds of switches, knobs and levers animated and functional. Just Flight's HS 748 for FSX and P3D brings you the Series 2A variant of this medium-sized turboprop airliner in 16 liveries. The detailed VC features 3D instruments and a comprehensive avionics suite which includes a GNS 430 and a realistic, easy-to-use autopilot with pitch and bank hold.Other features include accurately detailed animations, atmospheric instrument backlighting in the cockpit, numerous warning annunciators and a fully functional engine fire warning and protection/extinguishing system.

IntroductionThe Hawker Siddeley HS748 Series 2 is one of the latest aircraftpublished by Rick Piper and his team. It was made available forFS9 in 2006.On thesite you can download a version that is ported to FSX, and thatis the version under review here.BackgroundThe Hawker Siddeley HS748 began life as the Avro 748 and theprototype flew for the first time on 24th of June 1960. The 748had to compete with the Fokker F-27 which was already availableand the Handley Page Herald which would become available fordelivery in 1961. In order to compete with these planes Avrodecided to give the 748 good rough field performance.Series 2 flew first in November 1961, and that is the versionmodelled here. The series 2 had two Rolls Royce Dart 532 RDa7engines and could transport between 40 and 58 passengers. Withthis it performed similar to the F-27 and the HP Herald.In 1963 Avro was integrated in Hawker Siddeley Aviation and theAvro 748 became the Hawker Siddeley HS.748.

Hawker Siddeley Canada Inc

Production ended in1988 with 382 airplanes of all versions built.Download & InstallationThis package is available at Classic British Flight Sim as download of file.The file does not come with an auto-installer so you need tocopy and paste the files or unzip to the main FSX directory.Unfortunately this is not explained in the documentation.