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Half Life 2 Gunships

Half Life 2 Gunships Rating: 9,2/10 9953 reviews

Half Life 2 Walkthrough Pc

This is not my work! Go check out the gamebanana link in the description! Im just uploading it here for entertainment purposes!This is the Half Life 2 E3 gunship reskin for original gunship. Features custom sounds and glowing parts!

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Half Life 2 Gunships Movie


Oct 28, 2012  Half-Life 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. It is wise to locate an infinite ammo crate before engaging one of the gunships in battle. Half-Life 2, stylized as HλLF-LIFE, is a science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve Corporation, and released on November 16, 2004, following an extended development period of five years. The game garnered near unanimous positive reviews and received critical acclaim. Jan 01, 2008  Help with Half-life 2 gunships Mini Spy. Falcon Heavy: USAF STP-2 mission in Science Discussion & News. 2 Replies anthdci; Microsoft announces the Xbox Elite Series 2.

Half Life 2 Free Download Pc

All credit goes to the Valve for making the model and all the stuff. KubiiiksvK fixing the model, textures. CW3D for fixing sounds and making scripts and LambdaFox for fixing some sounds too.The negative thing is that this also had some custom scripts but because of the whitelist restrictions I could not upload this addon with the scripts. If you know how to make the scripts work with this addon, please contact me emediatly!Good to use with the.

2y 2yDude, this is AMAZING! You really seem to have a knack for making accurate beta content.

Thanks for taking my suggestion into consideration.Most of the model looks spot on, but there are a couple of improvements I would make. For one, I would tone down the orange in the rear where the rotor is, maybe make it a tad more pale (then again, this might just be the lack of lighting in the render that makes it look that way). Secondly, maybe adjust the cord(?) on the underbelly, as it seems slightly off how it looks in the screenshot (honestly yours looks kinda jagged). Lastly, and this one is just a personal preference but I think it would be a nice detail; add the '2u-C17' on the side of the rotor as well as the little logo on the middle part like in the concept art (or include an alternate skin for that). Also I feel the need to point out that that thingy on the underside between the two small bug-eyes and the mid-section is supposed to be more round shape with several small individual lights on the front, instead of the glowing intake hole.

This is seen on the e3 model upon closer inspection, and the concept art shows this in greater detail.Looks great so far!Also regarding the beta jalopy's remake, I haven't been able to find any recent updates on it, which kinda sucks. It looks so fun to drive! That wasteland zombie remake looks cool too. Hopefully that see's the light of day.

Helpful x 1. Thanks x 1Bananite.