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Eu4 Modern Day Mod

Eu4 Modern Day Mod Rating: 9,2/10 5282 reviews

It is present day in the Extended Timeline mod of Eu4! Donald Trump, Putin, and many more will face off in Europa Universalis 4.

  1. Europa Universalis Extended Timeline Mod
  2. Drew Dermil Eu4 Modern Day Mod

Jun 21, 2017  It is present day in the Extended Timeline mod of Eu4! Donald Trump, Putin, and many more will face off in Europa Universalis 4. We will go a little less than 100 years into the future for this AI. There was an attempt called East vs West which started out as a mod for HoI3 if I remember correctly, then taken over by Paradox (or support given to the modders) but ultimately canned. A2A Tomaž Vargazon provided a comprehensive answer. In addition, there may be insufficient memory, lack of necessary plug-ins and high CPU temperature.

Europa Universalis Extended Timeline Mod

Eu4 timeline mod

We will go a little less than 100 years into the future for this AI Only. What surprises will we see?-North Korea Civilization 5 Earth 2014:Total War: Warhammer 2 Gameplay - First Look!-Become a Crackhead:Twitter ►Instagram ►My channel focuses on strategy games and indies. Every let's play/gameplay video will include an on camera intro and outro to hopefully provide additional information on the topic of that video!

Another patch, another round of mod upgrades. 1.8.0 patch is unusually big, so many previous rebalance decisions the mod made that did well in testing on earlier versions could use some revisiting.Direct downloads:. Fun and Balance for EU4 1.8.0 -.

Fun and Balance for EU4 1.8.0 and -. Extended Timeline mod is only partly ported to 1.8 so it's fairly glitchy - present day bookmark is reasonably OK, older bookmarks have a lot of map issues. I'm posting it anyway, as Fun and Balance does no map changes, so you'll be able to play Fun and Balance with it as soon as they fix the map. Shattered Europe did not upgrade to 1.8 yet, I'll release Fun and Balance for it as soon as it does.Tweaks to new Art of War featuresThese are somewhat speculative and only went through limited testing, so future versions of the mod might revisit them. Waiting period for allies to show up before you can get 100% warscore by fully occupying war target is reduced from 5 years to 2 years. The feature is understandable, but implementation was definitely excessive.

Autonomy level on diploannexation changes from 75% to 50%. It felt really weird that it's worse to legitimately integrate a country than to conquer it without claims (for which you get 50%).

Broke march opinion penalty lowered from -200 (3/year decay, no cap for up to 67 total years) to -100 (3/year decay) with 10 year cap. March bonuses are really weak in the first place, marches lose them if they grow big enough (while keeping all penalties), so making them basically unannexable for over half a century after they outgrow their usefulness is just completely ridiculous. Missions of other countries can enter your pool if you fulfil some geographic criteria.

Now one of them is that original country no longer exists (previously just taking over their capital was often enough). They also have 50% lower weights for anyone except their original country. Missions to get holy site require that you get it, not just someone from your religion. This prevents tons of claims remaining there after it's done.

Accidental 1000% republican tradition reward fixed to 10%. (in mod files legitimacy uses 0-100 scale, republican tradition 0-1 scale, in UI they both look the same). Said.I'm on the right version and every thing ( but for some reason when I play sometimes qing will be in places like Australia and south america or Mongolia in Australia and in Africa. Oh my favorite is america becoming Texas but the USA still existing in like one little province in the united states. Also Portugal will have a bunch of colones in places like north Russia and other places as well.

Drew Dermil Eu4 Modern Day Mod

It's playable but weird like sometimes they'll just be a bunch of small states or provinces of other nations scattered within Russia (Not the place the country).Is this because the game has been only partially ported or built to 1.8 or is something else going on here.

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