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File System Error Was Found On Volume [1]

File System Error Was Found On Volume [1] Rating: 6,8/10 5727 reviews
File system error was found on volume 1 2File System Error Was Found On Volume [1]

System File Checker and Check Disk command seems to Fix File System Errors on Windows but if not then continue with the next method. Method 2: Change Sound Scheme of your PC. 1.Right-click on the Volume icon in the system tray and select Sounds.

I'm getting this error several times a day on an HP server we have. I've run chkdsk /r and everything came back fine but I still continue to see these errors.'

The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility o the volume CASEFILES.' Another thing that is troubling me is the server reboots itself every 2 months or so. I thought the reboots may have caused the disk curruption, but maybe it's the other way around after looking at this post.I'm finding a lot of stuff on this topic but nothing conclusive. I would really appreciate your help on this one.Any ideas?Thanks. I finally solved this problem.

For more detail you can visit another post I started Here:I opened up a Microsoft Support Case yesterday for this issue. Itturns out that the shadow copies on the C: and the H: volume were corrupt.

Afterdeleting these shadow copies the backup ran without generating any NTFS errors. Thetech said that the corrupted shadow copies were caused by an outdated NTFS.sys driver version. Hehad me update the NTFS driver version with KB982018, which appears to contain a whole slew of updates to core system files. Thiscan be found here:He also said the reason why check disk did not detect these issues is that check disk doesn't check or repair any volume shadow copies.

Thismakes sense to me that it doesn't repair these, but I thought it should check all files on the volume. (thetech was planning to confirm this, as he was a little unsure himself)I plan to run another check disk after deleting these shadow copies just to confirm the file system is in tact, but I expect the results to be ok. Hi caleb,Don;t bother chkdsk /f /r because it won't help much on that. Well contacting the hardware vendor will only replace ur disk. Which that is not the whole idea about troubleshooting.

Contacting support will only be the very last resort.There is another solution for you to try out.kindly download scantools and burnt it to bootable ISO format, kindly boot the disc into DOS mode and use Hiren boot disc does comes with hard disk regen tools as well.execute the hard disk regen tools and it will slowly fix your faulty sectors. In any case i have encountered such issues after fixed. The fix will require at least 2 to 3 hours depending on how big your hard disk is. Remember to run thefix in a air conditioner place.the error event 55 never reflect again.Let me know if you need further assistance on that.Guowen Su CCNA, CCIP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, CEH Our Goal? VERY SATISFIED Customers. If you're not.let's talk!!

Please don't vote me for answers. Because i does not want others to feels that i'mcheating?:) In any case God knows:). I searched for the error and noticed that it can be caused by third party programs and/or the firmware of the hard disk.First you can have a test in Safe Mode to see if same error still exists.

If so, it should be hardware related issue and you will need to contact manufaturer. Check if there is any newer firmware/driver is available for the device or maybe you need to replacethe hard disk.Shaon Shan TechNet Subscriber Support in forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact I apologize for the delayed response. I did get some more info.

These errors are occurring when the nightly backups run on the server. It constantly produces 4 of these errors within the first 8 min of the backup. I useBackupAssist and it's running a windows image job. Shaon, did you find anything related to Backup Assist when you were searching for this?Because the server has been rebooting, I've also had ongoing support from HP and so far we have replaced both power supplies, motherboard, memory and the power backplane. We just did the power backplane last Friday. That didn't help these NTFSerrors, but will hopefully help the reboots.

I'm still unsure if they are related at this time.Guowen, I have not had a chance to do what you suggested. I'm curious to see what Shaon found before proceeding further. I finally solved this problem. For more detail you can visit another post I started Here:I opened up a Microsoft Support Case yesterday for this issue. Itturns out that the shadow copies on the C: and the H: volume were corrupt. Afterdeleting these shadow copies the backup ran without generating any NTFS errors. Thetech said that the corrupted shadow copies were caused by an outdated NTFS.sys driver version.

File System Error Windows 10

Hehad me update the NTFS driver version with KB982018, which appears to contain a whole slew of updates to core system files. Thiscan be found here:He also said the reason why check disk did not detect these issues is that check disk doesn't check or repair any volume shadow copies. Thismakes sense to me that it doesn't repair these, but I thought it should check all files on the volume. (thetech was planning to confirm this, as he was a little unsure himself)I plan to run another check disk after deleting these shadow copies just to confirm the file system is in tact, but I expect the results to be ok.

File System Error Was Found On Volume 1 0

Post Contents:-.NTFS file system error on bootFirst of all, remove all external device connected to your PC, that includes printer scanner, external HDD, etc. Now forcefully restart windows and check if windows start normally.If you are getting stop code NTFSFILESYSTEM on boot, and due to this error Windows won’t start normally. We need Windows 10 installation media to access advanced options and perform feature steps. If you don’t have check how to create from here.